Jelajah Komunitas

Selamat Hari Radio Sedunia, 13 Februari 2020

ON World Radio Day 2020 (WRD 2020), UNESCO calls on radio stations to uphold diversity, both in their newsroom and on the airwaves.

This edition of WRD is divided into three main sub-themes:

  • Advocating for pluralism in radio, including a mix of public, private and community broadcasters;
  • Encouraging representation in the newsroom, with teams comprised of diverse society groups;
  • Promoting a diversity of editorial content and programme types reflecting the variety of the audiences.

“On this World Day, we celebrate the power of radio to reflect and promote diversity in all its forms”.
— Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, on the occasion of World Radio Day

Audio message by H.E. Mr. António Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General, on the occasion of the World Radio Day 2020. (M1)***

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